Here you will find a description of major developments that relate to substantial changes to the BARON system. Minor and maintenance releases are not listed, as they are only issued to provide bug fixes, small performance improvements, or a few new features that do not change existing behavior substantially.
- BARON 24 (2024) more sophisticated presolve, improvements in convexity identification, convexification, and handling of quadratic programs
- BARON 23 (2023) new techniques for quadratic programs, integer presolve, problem reformulations, released MAC OS ARM version
- BARON 22 (2022) robust control of floating point round-off errors, new lift-and-project cutting planes, new presolve, increased convexity recognition, improved branching
- BARON 21 (2021) improved interfaces to CBC and IPOPT
- BARON 20 (2020) added link to Harwell's LA04 linear programming solver, new relaxation strategies, including for MIQPs
- BARON 19 (2019) facilities for handling problems with hundreds of thousands of equations and variables, new relaxation techniques, including for MIQPs
- BARON 18 (2018) new reduction techniques, replaced MUMPS for IPOPT by HSL routines
- BARON 17 (2017) second order derivatives, addition of FilterSQP to BARON's local search solvers
- BARON 16 (2016) new automatic differentiation routines, enhanced presolve, improved local search strategies, Pyomo and JuMP interfaces
- BARON 15 (2015) parallel (multicore) option, released MAC OS X version, link to FilterSD, released under AMPL
- BARON 14 (2014) cutting planes for integer programs, integer relaxations for integer programs, pseudocosts, strong branching and reliability branching, link to OSI interface and CBC, faster parsing and reformulation, revamped LP interfaces
- BARON 13 (2013) systematic treatment of infeasible and unbounded problems, facilities for complementarity problems, released under YALMIP
- BARON 12 (2013) improved memory management including complete dynamic memory allocation, automatic settings for most options, simultaneous convexification for many structures, some cutting planes for integer programs, MATLAB interface
- BARON 11 (2012) improved convexity identification, faster parsing and reformulation, feasibility heuristics for integer programs
- BARON 10 (2011) convexity exploitation, RLT cutting planes, links to CLP and IPOPT with MUMPS and METIS
- BARON 9 (2009) initiated dynamic memory allocation, software reengineering, fine tuning of options
- BARON 8 (2007) interface to XPRS
- BARON 7 (2004) first branch-and-cut implementation based on cutting planes from supporting hyperplanes of convex functions and convex relaxations of nonconvex functions, released under AIMMS
- BARON 6 (2002) reduced memory requirements, improved probing operations, faster function and gradient evaluations
- BARON 5 (2001) first commercial release under GAMS