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MATLAB-BARON interface baronset function

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Create or edit a BARON options structure


options = baronset('param1',value1,'param2',value2,...)


options = baronset

options = baronset(oldopts,'param1',value1,...)


The function baronset creates an options structure that you can pass to baron for customizing the solving of an optimization problem.

options = baronset('param1',value1,'param2',value2,...) creates a BARON options structure in which the specified parameters (param) have the specified values (value).

baronset with no input or output arguments displays a complete list of parameters with their valid field names.

options = baronset with no input arguments creates a default options structure.

options = baronset(oldopts,'param1',value1,...) updates the existing options structure oldopts with the new values specified.


The following tables list the available options for baronset and provide a brief description of these options. For more details of the options, see the BARON manual.

Termination options

EpsAdouble scalarAbsolute termination tolerance1e-6
EpsRdouble scalarRelative termination tolerance1e-6
DeltaTerminteger scalarHeuristic termination0
DeltaTinteger scalarHeuristic termination time-100
DeltaAdouble scalarHeuristic termination absolute threshold1e51
DeltaRdouble scalarHeuristic termination relative threshold1
CutOffdouble scalarIgnore solutions no better than this value1e51
AbsConFeasToldouble scalarAbsolute constraint feasibility tolerance1e-5
RelConFeasToldouble scalarRelative constraint feasibility tolerance0
AbsIntFeasToldouble scalarAbsolute integer feasibility tolerance1e-5
RelIntFeasToldouble scalarRelative integer feasibility tolerance0
BoxToldouble scalarBox elimination tolerance1e-8
FirstFeasinteger scalarTerminate on first feasible solution
FirstLocinteger scalarTerminate on first local solution0
MaxIterinteger scalarMaximum branch and reduce iterations-1
MaxTimedouble scalarMaximum time solving (applied to CPU time for single-threaded runs; and to wall clock time for multi-threaded runs)1000 s
WantDualInteger scalarMake an effort to find a dual solution1
NumSolinteger scalarNumber of feasible solutions to find1
IsolToldouble scalarSeparation distance between solutions1e-4

Relaxation options

NOuter1integer scalarNumber of outer approximators of convex univariate functions4
NOutPerVarinteger scalarNumber of outer approximators per variable for convex multivariable functions4
NoutIterinteger scalarNumber of rounds of cutting plane generation at LP relaxation4
OutGridinteger scalarNumber of grid points per variable for convex multivariate approximators20

Range reduction options

TDointeger scalarNonlinear-feasibility-based range reduction (bound propagation) (Off 0, On 1)1
MDointeger scalarMarginals-based range reduction (Off 0, On 1)1
LBTTDointeger scalarLinear-feasibility-based range reduction (bound propagation) (Off 0, On 1)1
OBTTDointeger scalarOptimality-based tightening (Off 0, On 1)1
PDointeger scalarNumber of probing problems allowed  (Off 0, Auto -2, Number of probing variables: n)-2

Tree management options

BrVarStrainteger scalarBranching variable selection strategy (BARON 0, Largest Violation 1, Longest Edge 2)0
BrPtStrainteger scalarBranching point selection strategy (BARON 0, w 1, Bisection 2, Convex combination of w & bisection 3)0
BrVarPr*integer vectorBranching variable priority (Unset NaN, Do not Branch 0, Higher number higher priority)[]
NodeSelinteger scalarSpecifies the node selection rule for exploring the search tree (BARON 0, Best bound 1, LIFO 2, Minimum infeasibilities 3)0

Local search options

DoLocalinteger scalarLocal search option for upper bounding (No local search 0, BARON rule 1)1
NumLocinteger scalarNumber of local searches done in preprocessing (Off 0, Until termination -1, BARON rule -2)-2

Infeasibility diagnosis options

CompIISinteger scalarSearch for an IIS (No search 0, heuristic 1, deletion filtering 2, addition filtering 2, addition-deletion filtering 4, depth-first search, 5)0
IISorderinteger scalarOrder in which constraints are considered for an IIS (Auto -1, problem order 1, ascending order of degree 2, descending order of degree 3, random 4)-1
IISintinteger scalarConsider general integers as part of IIS (no 0, yes 1)0

Output options

PrFreqinteger scalarLog output frequency in number of nodes1e6
PrTimeFreqinteger scalarLog output frequency in number of seconds30 s
PrLevelinteger scalarOption to control log output (Off 0, On 1)1
LocResinteger scalarOption to control local search log (Off 0, On 1)0

Subsolver options

LPSolinteger scalarSpecifies the LP solver to be used (Auto -1, CPLEX 3, CLP/CBC 8)-1
CplexLibNamestringLocation of the CPLEX callable libraries on the user's computer.

'' (Linux)

'cplex1200.dll' (Windows)

'libcplex.dylib' (OSX)

LPAlginteger scalarLP algorithm (Auto 0, Primal Simplex 1, Dual Simplex 2, Barrier 3)0
NLPSolinteger scalarNLP solver (None 0, Dynamic selection -1, BARON 1, IPOPT 9)-1
AllowIPOPTinteger scalarAllow the use of IPOPT in dynamic local solver selection (Off 0, On 1)1
AllowFilterSDinteger scalarAllow the use of FilterSD in dynamic NLP solver selection (Off 0, On 1)1
AllowFilterSQPinteger scalarAllow the use of FilterSQP in dynamic NLP solver selection (Off 0, On 1)1

Other options

ProbName*stringSpecify problem name (Default: 'BARON_Problem', Custom: any string)'BARON_Problem'
LicNamestringSpecify name of BARON license file (Default: 'baronlice.txt', Custom: any string; must include path unless in execute directory)'baronlice.txt'
sense*stringObjective sense (Minimization 'min', Maximization 'max')'min'
eqtype*integer vectorSpecify constraint equation types [a vector with length(constraints) elements] (Default 0, Convex 1, Relaxation Only 2)[]
threadsinteger scalarNumber of threads allowed in MIP subproblem solution (One 1, n n)1
filekp*integer scalarSave BARON intermediate and output files (.bar, .dat) in current directory (Off 0, On 1)0
optsfile*stringAppend (and overwrite) BARON options to this structure from an options file[1] (Off [], On 'filename')[]
tracefile*stringGenerate post-solve tracefile in current directory (Off [], On 'filename')[]
barscratch*stringTemporary file directory for BARON intermediate files (Default [], User specified 'path') - Note must be a full path[]
chkfun*integer scalarCheck generated BARON equation(s) versus original MATLAB function(s) (Off 0, On 1)1
custom*stringSpecify custom options that may be made available to certain users (Default [], User specified such as {'intopt1: 1', 'realopt2: 3.5'})[]


*These are custom MATLAB/BARON interface options.

[1]An options file is a text file of the form <option name> <option value> with one option per line.


The MATLAB/BARON interface is provided by The Optimization Firm.  The interface is provided free of charge and with no warranties.